CSBS & NCSA Data Science Kickoff Event | April 5

Time and Location: April 5th, 8:45 am – 12:30 pm | I-Hotel Quad Room 

The Center for Social & Behavioral Science (CSBS) and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) hosted the Data Science for Social and Behavioral Science Kickoff Event, a half-day event on data science in social and behavioral science research!

The digital revolution has created extensive data everywhere and a myriad of new ways to analyze data. Data science techniques—for example, using AI to analyze extremely big data sets such as those generated by social media or Medicare—has the potential to revolutionize social and behavioral science to address some of the most pressing societal problems.

William Brady

William Brady, an Assistant Professor in the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern, will start the Kickoff Event with the keynote presentation, Algorithm-Mediated Social Learning in Online Social Networks. His research examines the dynamics of emotion at the social network level and their consequences for group behavior. His recent work studies how human psychology and AI-mediated social contexts interact to shape our emotions and intergroup attitudes. Combining tools of behavioral science and computational social science, his research aims to develop person-centered and design-centered interventions to improve our digital social interactions.


8:00Registration and Breakfast
9:00William Brady, Northwestern University | Algorithm-mediated Social Learning in Online Social Networks
Human social learning is increasingly occurring on online social networks governed by ‘content algorithms’ that influence how we are exposed to social information. In this talk, I present a theoretical framework arguing that when human social learning biases interact with content algorithms, an information environment emerges that leads to misperceptions of social norms and increased conflict. I will present studies supporting components of the framework that also highlight the promise of computational social science for addressing social science questions in the digital age.
10:10Using Data Science in Social and Behavioral Science Presentations
Jessie Chin – Assistant Professor, School of Information Sciences
Catharine Fairbairn, Helen Corley Petit Associate Professor, Psychology, and Nigel Bosch – Assistant Professor, School of Information Sciences
Angela Lyons – Associate Professor, Agricultural & Consumer Economics, and Aiman Soliman – Research Scientist, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
David Molitor – Associate Professor of Finance and Director of Gies Health Initiatives, Gies College of Business
Crystal Reinhart – Senior Research Scientist, School of Social Work
11:00 Daniel S. Katz, chief scientist, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) | National Center for Supercomputing Applications: Facts, Resources & Collaborations (click to view presentation)
11:30Working Lunch
12:15 Table Report Back and Adjourn