Small Grant Program

The CSBS Small Grant Program brings together researchers to develop ambitious and innovative research projects that will advance social and behavioral science and show promise for external funding. Funded by the Office of the Chancellor, the Office of the Provost, and the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation (OVCRI), this program provides researchers an opportunity to explore important, uncharted areas of social and behavioral science research.

CSBS small grants are designed to support:

  • The development of new, innovative research projects.
  • Small pilot studies to support larger funding proposals.
  • The development of novel methodological approaches.
  • The creation of interdisciplinary networking groups.

CSBS Small Grant awards range from $5,000 to $30,000, and the project performance period is 18 months.


The deadlines for full proposals to the Small Grant Program are March 1st and October 1st. Prior to submitting a full proposal for either of these deadlines, a pre-proposal must be submitted and approved. Pre-proposals are accepted on a rolling basis up to August 15th for the fall cycle and January 15th for the spring cycle.

Pre-proposal Submission Deadline Invited Full Proposal Deadline 
January 15, 2025 March 1, 2025 
August 15, 2025 October 1, 2025 
January 15, 2026 March 1, 2026 
August 15, 2026 October 1, 2026  

Key Considerations

  • CSBS Small Grants are available to tenure-track faculty (PI) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
  • Submissions will be reviewed based on their importance, significance, methodological and analytical strength, and promise for external funding.
  • Interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged, as they often lead to the most groundbreaking work.
  • Small Grants must broadly address one of our grand challenges:

Not sure whether your research fits into one of our grand challenge areas? Reach out to one of our Research Development Managers or email us at