CSBS & NCSA Data Science Kickoff Event | April 5

Time and Location: April 5th, 8:45 am – 12:30 pm | I-Hotel Quad Room  The Center for Social & Behavioral Science (CSBS) and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) hosted the Data Science for Social and Behavioral Science Kickoff Event, a half-day event on data science in social and behavioral science research! The digital revolution has created extensive […]

CSBS Director’s Emerging Investigators Coffees | March 28

Please join us on March 28th for the Director’s Emerging Investigators Coffee. This will be an opportunity for informal discussion with CSBS Director Eva Pomerantz on navigating the research process. Bring questions about issues such as building your research program, applying for a grant, managing your lab, interdisciplinary collaboration, and publishing your research?  

Health Equity Research Collaboration Workshop | February 16

University of Illinois researchers whose work involves health equity are invited to this workshop aimed at increasing interdisciplinary collaboration. In addition to networking with colleagues from across campus and brainstorming about opportunities for collaboration,  workshop attendees will hear a presentation on the national health equity funding landscape from government relations consulting firm Lewis-Burke Associates. The workshop is also an opportunity to help develop priorities for the university’s health equity research efforts and advise on how such research can be promoted and supported at UIUC.

CSBS Director’s Emerging Investigators Coffees | January 29

Join us for our first Director’s Emerging Investigators Coffee, Building Your Research Program. The CSBS director and other experienced social and behavioral science faculty will share their experiences and perspectives on this topic. Discussion will focus on developing and achieving a long-term vision for your research as well as how to handle challenges in achieving this vision. There will also be time to get to know other assistant professors in the social and behavioral sciences across campus.