CSBS Mission

The Center for Social & Behavioral Science (CSBS) brings together the breadth of expertise in social and behavioral science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to address some of society’s most pressing challenges. CSBS is committed to supporting innovative social and behavioral science on our campus as well as collaborating with the public to optimize such science and its societal impact.

Social and behavioral science is key to solving many of society’s most pressing problems. The Center for Social & Behavioral Science (CSBS) focuses on supporting research that can be part of the solution to addressing three grand challenges.

Students walking on the Quad with Foellinger Auditorium in the background on the University of Illinois campus in early Spring.

CSBS By the Numbers 2022

$89k Small Grant Funding Awarded
to 5 Research Teams
14 researchers across 7 Units and 5 Colleges Funded by CSBS Small Grants
$1.4M in external funding associated to the CSBS Small Grant Program
 28  New affiliates across 9 Colleges and Schools
16 External Proposal Submissions Supported
 $510K  In External Funding Awards Supported and Secured
 41  Attendees to the CSBS “The Future of Work” Symposium
 88  Attendees to the CSBS Social Network Analysis Workshop
5 Community-Academic Scholars
and 6 Policy & Research Fellows