Interdisciplinary Research Networks (IRN) Program 

The Center for Social & Behavioral Science (CSBS) invites applications from investigators to work across disciplines to develop solutions to societal problems using innovative social and behavioral science.  

The purpose of the CSBS Interdisciplinary Research Networks (IRN) Program is to lower the barriers for collaboration across disciplines and facilitate interdisciplinary research that can address societal problems. The program will provide support for investigators from multiple disciplines to come together to share information and ideas; coordinate new research activities; foster synthesis and new collaborations; develop a resource to benefit social and behavioral science research; or advance interdisciplinary science in other ways through communication, idea generation, and exploration of complex research projects. Interdisciplinary teams can request up to $5,000 to fund activities that may not otherwise happen because of a lack of financial resources.

Proposed network activities should be tied to a theme to give coherence to the collaboration. This can include, but is not limited to, a broad research question, a challenge for social and behavioral science (e.g., particular analytical method or tool), or a unique approach to addressing a major societal problem—that is, a condition that negatively impacts a sizeable number of people.

Hands holding light bulb

Considerations & Eligibility

Proposals will be evaluated on their potential to:

  1. Advance interdisciplinary research that can contribute to addressing societal problems with social and behavioral science and
  2. Develop an external funding application to further advance and sustain the collaborative research such as research grants, center grants, and research coordination grants.

The viability of the planned activities and sustainability of the network will also be considered. The CSBS IRN program is not designed to support primary research or fund existing networks or well‐established collaborations.

Proposals should come from:

  • At least two PIs with degrees in different fields of study.
  • At least one PI must be a social and behavioral scientist.

All IRN PIs must be tenure‐track faculty at the University of Illinois Urbana‐Champaign. One PI must be designated as the PI of record for purposes of grant administration, reporting, and serving as the liaison with CSBS.

Important Dates

Informational Zoom Session: October 19 | 12 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Full Proposals Due: November 5th  

Funding Announcements: December 15th

Project Period: 18 months (January 15, 2024 – June 15, 2025) 

Any questions please contact Brenda Koester at