QRI Storytelling Series – Dr. Nikolai Alvarado

On Tuesday, October 18th, the Center for Social and Behavioral Science’s Qualitative Research Initiative (QRI) hosted the first session of the Storytelling Series featuring Dr. Nikolai Alvarado, Assistant Professor in Geography.

This session explored the Dr. Alvarado’s journey to his career as a geographer specializing in urban politics, environmental racism, and South-South migration. Dr. Alvarado also provided an in-depth discussion of his novel approach to using urban infrastructure as a method in migration research.

The Future of Work Symposium

The relevance of “The Future of Work” has been heightened by the global pandemic and rising inequalities. Automation. A growing skill gap. Work-life balance. The great resignation. Artificial intelligence in the workplace. Remote and hybrid work. Reskilling. Mental health. Workforce diversity. Employee well-being. These and other related topics will be at the forefront of the future of work for the years to come.

Social Network Analysis Workshop

In this virtual methods workshop hosted by the Center for Social & Behavioral Science, Prof. James Moody, Director of the Duke Network Analysis Center, reviewed the foundations of network analysis starting from data collection through modeling outcomes. Examples demonstrated within the R computing language with example code provided for those that were interested.

Alcohol addiction: why we drink and its social impact

Below is an excerpt from the CSBS’s podcast with Dr. Catharine Fairbairn, Helen Corley Petit Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Illinois. In this episode, Dr. Fairbairn talks with CSBS Research Scientist Peter Ondish about the unique and fascinating journey she had into understanding addictions through research. We discuss the surprising cultural, social, and […]

Assistant Professor Gathering

To support innovative social and behavioral science from diverse disciplines CSBS hosted this in person event held at the I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign, Illinois. This event was an opportunity for Assistant Professors from different backgrounds to connect with one another and promote research collaborations among our social and behavioral science faculty.

Poverty Seminar Series – Spring 2022

This seminar series, hosted by the Center for Social & Behavioral Science in partnership with the School of Social Work, focuses on poverty reduction via cash transfer programs. Faculty from various disciplines will present their research on program implementation and evaluation and will provide insights on how unconditional cash transfers can affect child development, poverty alleviation, housing, and economic opportunity.

Misinformation Research Symposium

This workshop aimed to help connect misinformation researchers on campus, foster interdisciplinary teams interested in collaborating on external submissions, and to learn more about the needs of existing and emerging research groups on campus. The event included opening remarks by Gordon Pennycook, Assistant Professor at the University of Regina, flash talk presentations, and discussion groups.