CSBS launches new Social and Behavioral Science E-Bulletin

CSBS has launched a new submission process for events and announcements via a bi-weekly e-bulletin. Similar to the campus Eweek submission process, units can now share their announcements related to social and behavioral science through the “Bulletin” tool in Webtools.

Submit Your Event
Have a social and behavioral science event to promote? Use the Webtools Social and Behavioral Science E-Bulletin form to submit for inclusion in our bi-weekly E-Bulletin email.

  1. Log into webtools.illinois.edu with your UIUC net ID and password.
  2. Select “Bulletins” (look in the grid of options on the Webtools homepage or in the upper right drop-down tab under “More”).
  3. Choose the option to create a post for “Social and Behavioral Science Bulletin.”
  4. Click on the blue button “Create post.”
  5. Fill out the fields and click “Submit.”

Submission Guidelines
Your event should be social and behavioral science-related and must be submitted before noon at least two weeks before the event to guarantee that it will appear in the e-bulletin.

Contact CSBScience@illinois.edu with questions.