UIUC recently joined the College and University Fund for the Social Sciences (CUF). A key aim of the CUF is to foster the kind of funding needed for large-scale research that produces solutions to pressing social problems by connecting the nation’s most active research institutions with public and private funders of social and behavioral science.
Joining the CUF gives UIUC the opportunity to advocate for the unique interests of social and behavioral scientists on our campus. CSBS will be working with representatives from across campus to develop an innovative social and behavioral science agenda that capitalizes on our diverse strengths.
“Social and behavioral scientists are at the heart of efforts to address the causes and consequences of inequity and poverty, understand how biology and behavior drive wellness, and develop technologies that truly improve people’s lives,” said Susan Martinis, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, “Prioritizing the impact of this research is a strategic priority for our institution, and our partnership with the Social Science Research Council is yet another sign of our University’s focus on research and innovation that improve human lives. This endeavor will optimize our advocacy with the CUF for our campus social and behavioral science priorities. It will also inform CSBS’s efforts to support social and behavioral science on our campus.”
If you have ideas about what should be part of our campus social and behavioral science agenda, please do not hesitate to contact the CSBS Interim Director, Eva Pomerantz (pomerntz@illinois.edu).
Contributing Units: UIUC’s membership was made possible with support from the College of Agriculture and Consumer Economic Sciences, College of Allied Health Sciences, College of Education, College of Law, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Media, School of Labor and Employment Relations, and the School of Social Work, along with Office of the Provost, the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation, and CSBS.