Criteria and Eligibility

Who is eligible for a CSBS Small Grant?

  • Primary Investigator: Eligibility to serve as a primary investigator (PI) is limited to tenure track faculty members at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Tenure track faculty members are only eligible to submit one pre-proposal per funding cycle and be a PI on one CSBS small grant every 5 years.
  • Co-Investigator: Eligibility to serve as a co-investigator (Co-I) is inclusive of tenure track faculty members, research professionals, specialized faculty, postdoctoral research associates, and community partners.
  • Students may NOT serve as Co-Investigators.

What activities or projects are the CSBS Small Grants intended to support?

  • The development of new, innovative research projects
  • Small pilot studies to support larger funding proposals
  • The development of novel methodological approaches
  • The creation of interdisciplinary networking groups
  • Eventual submission of a proposal for external funding

What are the criteria for submissions to the CSBS Small Grant Program?

  • Innovative approaches to addressing important issues related to a CSBS grand theme (e.g., Inequity & Poverty, Social & Behavioral Health, and Digital Revolution)
  • Rigorous methods and analyses that can answer the research questions and/or hypotheses
  • A clear path to writing and submitting one or more funding proposals to external granting agencies
  • Research that has the potential to contribute to the broader community of scholars working on issues related CSBS’s grand themes

Please review the expenditures that are eligible for Small Grant Program funding prior to starting the application.

Eligible Expenditures:

  • Personnel costs, such as a graduate or undergraduate student research assistant or a non-student hourly worker
  • Participant support costs
  • Supplies and materials
  • Data access or data set purchase
  • Transcription costs
  • Mailing costs

Ineligible Expenditures:

  • Expenditures generally made by departments and colleges (e.g., travel to professional conferences)
  • Delivery of outreach programs or services
  • Student master’s or dissertation research
  • Tuition waivers
  • PI/Co-I salary
  • Course buyouts
  • Meetings (e.g., seminars, workshops, conferences, or brown bags)
  • Travel, unless specifically required for data collection to carry out the research
  • Publication costs