Crafting Qualitative Evidence for Impact | September 27

Insider Methods for Qualitative Data Analysis, Claim-Making, and Quality 

As part of the Center for Social & Behavioral Science Methods Series, CSBS will host Crafting Qualitative Evidence for Impact: Insider Methods for Qualitative Data Analysis, Claim-Making, and Quality, to be led by Dr. Sarah J. Tracy, Professor of Qualitative Methodology and Organizational Communication and Director of the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State, on Friday, September 27, 2024. Each of the workshop sessions build on the previous session. Participants will get the most out of the series if they can attend all the sessions.

This workshop will provide clear step-by-step best practices for crafting evidence in qualitative research via organizing, coding, analyzing, interpreting, and claim-making. You will learn backstage practices of data analysis that make for theoretically and practically illuminating research. You will also receive worksheets and resources that will help you share what you have learned with collaborators, colleagues, and students.

Thank you for your interest. Due to very high demand and limited space, the registration for this event is now closed. Please keep an eye on our future events page for more qualitative methods events.

Friday, September 27, 2024
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Illinois Conference Center | Alma Mater Room
111 St Marys Rd, Champaign, IL 61820

Dr. Sarah J. Tracy is a Professor of Qualitative Methodology and Organizational Communication and serves as Director of the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University. Her scholarly work examines emotion, communication, and identity in the workplace with a focus on emotional labor, compassion, bullying, and organizational flourishing. She is an interdisciplinary leader in qualitative research methods—including participant observation, interviewing, focus groups, organizational training/intervention, document analysis and discourse analysis.

Read our Spotlight interview with Dr. Tracy.


8:30 –
9:00 am
Breakfast (breakfast will be provided)
9:00 –
10:30 am
Qualitative Data Analysis Basics 
Introduces how to organize and prepare qualitative data for analysis; gives attention to the value and distinctive features of Dr. Sarah J. Tracy’s phronetic iterative qualitative approach and how to choose a qualitative data analysis techniques. 
10:45 am – 12:15 pm Coding Methods in Qualitative Research 
Explores primary level coding techniques such as open coding and in-vivo coding; explains the process of moving toward second-level codes and interpretation as well as how to create a qualitative codebook. Addresses how to understand the difference between coding, interpretation, and claimmaking. 
12:15 –
1:15 pm
Lunch Break (lunch will be provided)
1:15 –
2:45 pm
Heuristics for Claim-Making and Theory-Building in Qualitative Research 
Introduces more than eight heuristic activities for claim-making and theory building including, jeopardy research questions, conceptual cocktail parties, abduction, negative case analysis, and more. Reveals how to make your qualitative research interesting. 
3:00 –
4:30 pm
Tracy’s Big Tent Approach to Qualitative Quality  
Discusses a model for quality in qualitative research that is uniquely expansive, yet flexible, in that it makes distinctions among qualitative research’s means (methods and practices) and its ends. This eight-point conceptualization offers a pedagogical model and provides a common language of qualitative best practices that can be recognized as integral by a variety of audiences.