Community-Engaged Research with School Partners | Oct. 29

The Center for Social & Behavioral Science, College of Education, and Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute invited researchers across campus who are interested in community-engaged research with K-12 schools, including public, private, and university lab schools, to the second event in the 2024-25 Community-Engaged Research SeriesCommunity-Engaged Research with School Partners, on Oct. 29 at noon via Zoom.

During this interactive panel discussion, attendees learned about Illinois’ campus procedures for research with schools, thinking critically about the needs of schools and how best to address them through community-engaged research, and best practices for working with school partners.


  • Meghan Fisher
    Director of School-University Research Relations
    Bureau of Educational Research, College of Education
  • Gary Lewis
    Regional Superintendent
    ROE-9 Champaign-Ford Counties
  • Kevin Tan
    Associate Dean for Engagement, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    and Associate Professor

    School of Social Work
  • Erica Mason (Moderator)
    Assistant Professor
    Special Education, College of Education

The Community-Engaged Research Series aims to build and enhance the experience of community-engaged researchers across campus and provide them with the skills and resources needed to impact research in this space. Look for more information coming soon about two events on community-engaged writing and publishing in Spring 2025. We hope you will join us!