Affiliate Program

The Center for Social & Behavioral Science (CSBS) Affiliates program brings together social and behavioral science researchers from diverse disciplines across the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The goal of the program is to foster mutually beneficial collaborations allowing CSBS and its affiliates to advance knowledge and methods in the social and behavioral sciences while addressing societal needs.

What are the benefits of becoming a CSBS affiliate?

The CSBS Affiliate program enhances the visibility of the innovative social and behavioral science on our campus. It also affords affiliates several benefits:

  • Access to CSBS network, relationship-building, and professional development opportunities
  • Opportunities for cross-disciplinary connection and collaboration
  • Priority access to CSBS’ public engagement, research promotion, and communication resources
  • Input on new directions and services at CSBS via our annual survey
  • Collaboration with CSBS on new initiatives

Who is eligible to be a CSBS Affiliate?

CSBS Affiliate appointments may be given to:

  • Tenure track faculty
  • Non-tenure track faculty (i.e., adjunct faculty, specialized faculty, research faculty)
  • Research staff (e.g., academic professionals involved in research)

To be an Affiliate you must be actively engaged in social and behavioral science research and have had some type of involvement with CSBS (e.g., attended SBS events, met with a member of the CSBS team, applied for a CSBS small grant, been part of a CSBS working group, or served on a CSBS advisory board).

CSBS Affiliation is open only to individuals employed by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

What are the expectations of a CSBS Affiliate?

CSBS Affiliates are expected to be active participants in the social and behavioral science community across campus. Affiliates are also expected to complete a brief annual CSBS Affiliate Survey to help CSBS identify the priorities and needs of CSBS Affiliates and the greater social and behavioral science community on campus.

How do I apply to become a CSBS affiliate?

Eligible faculty and staff can apply to be a CSBS affiliate using the link below. In most cases, you will be notified 2 to 3 weeks after your submission. If you have questions, contact

Current Affiliates

Scott AlthausAlthaus, ScottPolitical Science
Aaron AndersonAnderson, AaronHealth and Kinesiology
Flavia AndradeAndrade, FlaviaSchool of Social Work
Astacio-Palmer, MarcGeography & Geographic Information Science
Renee L. BaillargeonBaillargeon, ReneePsychology
Ball, ChristopherBall, ChristopherJournalism
Barbour, JoshuaCommunication
Berdychevsky, LizaBerdychevsky, LizaRecreation, Sport, & Tourism
Howard BerenbaumBerenbaum, HowardPsychology
Suma BhatBhat, SumaElectrical & Computer Engineering
Cabral Bigman-GalimoreBigman-Galimore, CabralCommunication
Bigsby, ElisabethCommunication
Kelly BostBost, KellyHuman Development & Family Studies
Bowers, JacobPolitical Science
D.A. BrileyBriley, D.A.Psychology
Jessica BrinkworthBrinkworth, JessicaAnthropology
Robert BrunoBruno, RobertSchool of Labor and Employment Relations
Reuben A. Buford MayBuford May, Reuben A. Sociology
Bui, TuyenSchool of Social Work
Cardador, TeresaSchool of Labor and Employment Relations
John CaughlinCaughlin, JohnCommunication
Kevin ChangChang, KevinComputer Science
Yuguo ChenChen, YuguoStatistics
Jessie ChinChin, JessieSchool of Information Sciences
Chiu-Shee, ColleenUrban & Regional Planning
Chung-Yi ChiuChiu, Chung-YiHealth and Kinesiology
Chodzko-Zajko, WojtekChodzko-Zajko, WojtekHealth and Kinesiology
Kiel ChristiansonChristianson, KielEducation
Alexandra ChronopoulouChronopoulou, AlexandraStatistics
Julie CidellCidell, JulieGeography and GIS
Kate ClancyClancy, KateAnthropology
Joseph CohenCohen, JosephPsychology
Cromley, JenniferEducational Psychology
Courtney CuthbertsonCuthbertson, CourtneyHuman Development & Family Studies
Jacinda DariotisDariotis, JacindaHuman Development & Family Studies
George DeltasDeltas, GeorgeEconomics
Dixon, TravisCommunication
Florin DolcosDolcos, FlorinPsychology
Sanda DolcosDolcos, SandaPsychology
Sharon DonovanDonovan, SharonFood Science & Human Nutrition
Bryan EndresEndres, BryanAgricultural & Consumer Economics
Cara FinneganFinnegan, CaraCommunication
Jodi FlawsFlaws, JodiComparative Biosciences
Rachel GartheGarthe, RachelSchool of Social Work
Robyn GobinGobin, RobynHealth and Kinesiology
Holly GoleckiGolecki, HollyBioengineering
Gloriana GonzalezGonzalez, GlorianaCurriculum & Instruction
Graebner, MelissaBusiness Administration
Andrew GreenleeGreenlee, AndrewUrban & Regional Planning
Pamela HadleyHadley, PamelaSpeech & Hearing Science
Ham, Chang DaeAdvertising
Benjamin HankinHankin, BenjaminPsychology
Jennifer HardestyHardesty, JenniferHuman Development & Family Studies
Judy HavlicekHavlicek, JudySchool of Social Work
Wendy HellerHeller, WendyPsychology
Manuel HernandezHernandez, ManuelHealth and Kinesiology
Hetrick, LauraSchool of Art & Design
Hinchliffe, LisaUniversity Library
Hinze-Pifer, RebeccaEducation Policy, Organization & Leadership
Tuyet-Mai HoangHoang, Tuyet-MaiSchool of Social Work
Hoopsick, RachelHealth and Kinesiology
Carla HunterHunter, CarlaPsychology
Kamis, ChristinaKamis, ChristinaSociology
Kanter, JeremyHuman Development and Family Studies
Katz, Daniel S.National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Kern, JustinEducational Psychology
Keye, ShelbyHealth and Kinesiology
Leanne KnoblochKnobloch, LeanneCommunication
Marynia KolakKolak, MaryniaGeography and Geographic Information Science
Eleftheria KontouKontou, EleftheriaCivil & Environmental Engineering
Karen KramerKramer, KarenHuman Development & Family Studies
Aleksander Jan KsiazkiewiczKsiazkiewicz, AleksanderPolitical Science
Kurdi, BenedekPsychology
Matthew LambertLambert, MatthewSpecial Education
Sandraluz Lara-CinisomoLara-Cinisomo, SandraluzHealth and Kinesiology
Christopher LarrisonLarrison, ChristopherSchool of Social Work
Robert LawlessLawless, RobertCollege of Law
Katharine LeeLee, KatharineAnthropology
Kevin LeichtLeicht, KevinSociology
Kelley LemonLemon, KelleyLandscape Architecture
Jarrett LewisLewis, JarrettEducational Psychology
Li, JessicaEducation Policy, Organization & Leadership
Robb LindgrenLindgren, RobbEducational Psychology
Avital LivnyLivny, AvitalPolitical Science
Michael Lotspeich-YadaoLotspeich-Yadao, MichaelHealth and Kinesiology
Lyons, AngelaAgricultural and Consumer Economics
Rachel MageeMagee, RachelSchool of Information Sciences
Marchand, AixaMarchand, AixaEducational Psychology
Martinez Negrette, GiselleCurriculum & Instruction
Maslowska, EwaAdvertising
Mason, EricaSpecial Education
Mazzone, JasonCollege of Law
McDowell, KateSchool of Information Sciences
Nancy McElwainMcElwain, NancyHuman Development & Family Studies
Shannon MejiaMejia, ShannonHealth and Kinesiology
Ruby MendenhallMendenhall, RubySociology
Andrea MillerMiller, AndreaPsychology
Mondak, JefferyMondak, JefferyPolitical Science
Jessica MontagMontag, JessicaPsychology
Silvina MontrulMontrul, SilvinaSpanish and Portuguese
Ellen MoodieMoodie, EllenAnthropology
Raksha MudarMudar, RakshaSpeech and Hearing Science
Sean MullenMullen, SeanHealth and Kinesiology
Eunmi MunMun, EummiSchool of Labor and Employment Relations
Christopher NapolitanoNapolitano, ChristopherEducational Psychology
Ng, MargaretNg, Yee Man (Margaret) Journalism
Melissa OcepekOcepek, MelissaSchool of Information Sciences
Ogolsky, BrianOgolsky, BrianHuman Development & Family Studies
Adam OsmanOsman, AdamEconomics
Pepino, YaninaPepino, YaninaFood Science & Human Nutrition
Pietrowicz, MaryPietrowicz, MaryApplied Research Institute
Powell, TaraPowell, TaraSchool of Social Work
Mina RajRaj, MinaHealth and Kinesiology
Rao, V.N. VimalStatistics
Michel RegenwetterRegenwetter, MichelPsychology
Crystal ReinhartReinhart, CrystalSchool of Social Work
Rizzo, MichaelPsychology
Robbennolt, JenniferRobbennolt, JenniferCollege of Law
Roberts, BrentPsychology
Rodriguez, VioletaPsychology
Wendy RogersRogers, WendyHealth and Kinesiology
Karen RudolphRudolph, KarenPsychology
Josephine RudolphiRudolphi, JosephineAgricultural & Biological Engineering
Nidia Ruedas-GraciaRuedas-Gracia, NidiaEducational Psychology
SanFilippo, MadelynSanFilippo, MadelynSchool of Information Sciences
Schneider, WilliamSchneider, WilliamSchool of Social Work
Schwingel, AndiaraSchwingel, AndiaraHealth and Kinesiology
Seaton, EleanorPsychology
Emerson SebastiaoSebastiao, EmersonHealth and Kinesiology
Laura ShackelfordShackelford, LauraAnthropology
Simons, DanielPsychology
Smith, BobbySmith, BobbyAfrican American Studies
Rebecca SmithSmith, RebeccaPathobiology
Sharde SmithSmith, ShardeHuman Development & Family Studies
Song, LenaEconomics
Ashlynn StillwellStillwell, AshlynnCivil & Environmental Engineering
Strauser, DavidHealth and Kinesiology
Leona Yi-Fan SuSu, Leona Yi-FanAdvertising
Sun, MeicenSchool of Information Sciences
Hari SundaramSundaram, HariComputer Science
Tabb Dina, KarenTabb Dina, KarenSchool of Social Work
Kevin TanTan, KevinSchool of Social Work
Harsh TanejaTaneja, HarshAdvertising
David TewksburyTewksbury, DavidCommunication
Thompson, ChareeCommunication
Troy, CassandraTroy, CassandraJournalism
Kelly TuTu, KellyHuman Development & Family Studies
Matthew TurkTurk, MatthewSchool of Information Sciences
VanHook, CortneySchool of Social Work
van Riper, CarenaNatural Resources and Environmental Science
Patrick VargasVargas, PatrickAdvertising
Wade, RyanSchool of Social Work
Dong WangWang, DongSchool of Information Sciences
Shaowen WangWang, ShaowenGeography and Geographic Information Science
Weaver, AndrewSchool of Labor and Employment Relations
Webb Williams, NoraPolitical Science
Liliane WindsorWindsor, LilianeSchool of Social Work
Matthew WintersWinters, MatthewPolitical Science
Kevin WiseWise, KevinAdvertising
Ann-Perry WitmerWitmer, Ann-PerryApplied Research Institute
Cara WongWong, CaraPolitical Science
Xie, ShihanEconomics
Yilan XuXu, YilanAgricultural & Consumer Economics
Yan, XunLinguistics
Yang, JungHwanYang, JungHwanCommunication
Yao, MikeCollege of Media
Ybarra, OscarBusiness Administration
Min ZhanZhan, MinSchool of Social Work